Questions to Ask Your Estate Planning Attorney

When it comes to estate planning, there are many questions you should ask your attorney. You need to know exactly what your needs are, and an attorney who specializes in this area will be able to provide you with the right advice and strategies to meet those needs. A general practitioner may not have the expertise to handle your particular situation, and they may come up with a plan that is "one size fits all." The more experience your attorney has in this area, the better.

Wills are the foundation of any estate plan, and a will ensures that earned assets go to the rightful beneficiaries. When selecting an Auburn estate planning attorney, be sure to provide a detailed list of assets so he or she can properly assess any potential tax liabilities, or determine whether a trust or other type of plan is needed. Be sure to list beneficiaries, too, as this information is crucial to the success of your estate plan.

Time is important. Make sure that the estate planning attorney you are considering can meet your schedule and provide you with adequate time to prepare. You also need to ensure that your attorney is accessible to answer any questions that you might have along the way. You should also feel comfortable talking openly with your attorney and letting them answer your questions. After all, the goal is to make sure your family is taken care of. When choosing an estate planning attorney, remember to ask for a consultation and make sure you have a lot of time to get the best advice and recommendations.

When choosing an estate planning attorney, you want to make sure that you feel comfortable with them. You want someone who will be available for you if you need to ask a question. Some attorneys only respond to e-mails; others prefer to be reached by phone. It is important to discuss your communication preferences and how easily you can reach them. If you are unsure, you should consider using an estate planning attorney who is comfortable with your communication style.

In addition to asking about fees, ask about the percentage of your estate planning attorney's practice that involves estate work. Estate planning requires a significant amount of experience, and the more experience your attorney has, the better they will be able to handle your situation. It is important to have a clear idea of what your goals are as a client, and what special needs you have in mind. An estate planning attorney who is familiar with the intricacies of the probate process is likely to be able to meet those needs.

When it comes to estate planning, there are several basic documents you should complete. These documents include a last will and testament, a durable power of attorney, and a living will. Other estate planning documents include a supplemental needs trust for a disabled family member, a minor's trust, and a health care power of attorney. You can also create a minor's trust if you have young children or disabled family members.

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