Cool Things from Wedding Rentals

How much does it cost to rent dishes and glasses for your wedding? Dishware costs between 40 and 85 cents per plate, with the cheapest options being standard white or cream and the expensive options pearl white and/or gold-rimmed plates.

On average, most couples in the U.S. spend between $425 to $1,000 on wedding rentals. Event rentals you will likely need for your wedding include tables, chairs, dinnerware, and much more.

Rent Paparazzi for Your Party

In her song “Paparazzi,” Lady Gaga sings about a sometimes sad obsession with fame and the cameras. If you only want a small taste, Famous For a Day will let you hire actors to pretend to be paparazzi.

You get your pick of three packages, from $549 to $2,999. They include a minimum of four paparazzi, range from 30 minutes to two hours in length and include copies of your photos. If you’re feeling extra glamorous, you can even have a bodyguard, publicist and limousine service show up.

Rent Your Wedding Dress

Yes, your wedding day will probably go down as one of the best days of your whole life — but it'll probably also be one of the most expensive. Chances are you're shelling out thousands of dollars to celebrate your love with a bunch of distant relatives. On top of that, you're decked out in the most expensive outfit you'll probably ever own, and you'll only wear it on this ONE day. WTF? Well, Borrowing Magnolia lets you rent your special dress, so you can still look amazing on your big day but not have to deal with the cost a wedding gown would normally run you.

Rentals start at $200 with options to rent never-before-worn dresses and styles in a wide variety of sizes. And if you're more of a tux-wearing person, The Blk Tux offers a similar service.

Rent a Bridesmaid

Being a bridesmaid is a huge commitment, both time-wise and financially — and sometimes your circle of besties just can't do it. So why not hire someone to be part of your wedding party? Their literal job would be to make sure you get all the help you need on your wedding day.

Check out how you can become a bridesmaid for hire or how to add one to your wedding guest list.

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